Techniques for Solace no Mikaizuki

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 Techniques for Solace no Mikaizuki  Empty Techniques for Solace no Mikaizuki

Post by Guest Sat Mar 26, 2016 9:01 pm

Name: Kusari: Hold
Tier: 3
Element: N/A
Effect: Mikaizuki summons chains Lunaria can use to capture targets. The chain can only be broken by a few hits from a first class weapon, or a multitude of hits from a second class. Normal weapons will not work. These chains prevent all movement, should they hit their target. Depending on the location of the enemy(s) depends as to how many can get enraptured. Should they be close together, she can target those in close groups, should they be spread apart she can only get those within a 10 meter radius of her designated target. May cause large cuts or bone breaking if they chains wrap around too tight. 
Cooldown: 3 posts
Duration: 4, or when Luna cancels it. 

Name: Kusari: Scatter 
Tier: 3
Element: N/A
Effect: Mikaizuki places sharp tips on the end of the chains as Lunaria can aim them at a specific target, and they can cause Large cuts, maybe a broken bone, the range is 20 meters of her initial target. They can be dodged and they can be sliced by first class weapons, but not second class. They will chase the target(s) one time after the initial dodge. 
Cooldown: 3 posts
Duration: 4, or when Luna cancels it.    

Name: Kusari: Snatch 
Tier: 3
Element: N/A
Effect: Mikaizuki can use the chains to snatch any item on the target, or if she knows what the targets within a 10 meter range of the original target are holding and where it is, she can take that. This can be an item, or a stat. She can only take up to 3 stat point and/or 3 items. It will only take a random item on one target, but if she knows a specific item she can take if up to 10 meters of the initial target. The chains can be dodged, and will only take something on contact. The chains can chase the target(s) one time after the initial dodge. The end of the chain takes a form similar to that of a hook. The chain can be broken by a single hit from a first class weapon, dropping the item or stat point to be retrieved, or multiple hits from a second class weapon if the hits are round the same spot on the chain. 
Cooldown: 3 Posts
Duration: 1 post

Name: Kusari: Shield
Tier: 3
Element: N/A
Effect: Mikaizuki can summon multiple chains to fashion a shield around the wielder and take attacks. No light enters, and she can't attack when she's in it. It can only be broken by one or two hits from a class one weapon, or multiple hits from a Class 2 weapon. Can also be used on others, but the radius of the shield is only 20 meters.
Cooldown: 3 posts
Duration: 2 posts, 
or when Luna cancels it. 

Name: Kusari: Bullet
Tier: 3
Element: N/A
Effect: Lunaira is able to see farther thanks to Mikaizuki and choose three targets to hit with a three chains. Should one chain hit more than one person, it will still function as a single target. She can see up to 30 meters. Similar to all her other techniques, the chain can be cut by one or two strikes from a first class weapon or multiple by second. Can use this on multiple targets, but only one at a time. Once she labels a target, she can't switch.
Cooldown: 3 posts
Duration: 3 posts, 
or when Luna cancels it. 

Name: Kusari: Whip
Tier: 3
Element: N/A

Effect: Lunaria can manipulate a chain or two in the form of a whip. They're bendy and can cause broken bones and large cuts. Can be broken by Class 1 weapon in a few hits, or Class 2 multiple hits. 
Cooldown: 3 posts
Duration: 4 posts, 
or when Luna cancels it. 

Name: Kusari: Barrier
Tier: 3
Element: N/A
Effect: The chains create an arena that's 40 meters around, Lunaria being the center. No one can enter or exit this barrier, but a portion of it can be broken from a first class weapon or multiple hits from second. 
Cooldown: 5 posts
Duration: 3 posts

Name: Kusari: Platform
Tier: 3
Element: N/A
Effect: The chains will bundle up, creating square platforms. Can be in the air, or a wall to prevent her from being pushed back too far. Can be used as many times as long as it's activated, is around 2 feet wide and 2 feet length. 
Cooldown: 4 posts
Duration: 3 posts, 
or when Luna cancels it. 

Name: Kusari: Trap
Tier: 3
Element: N/A
Effect: Lunaria is able to set areas that will enraptured any who walk into the specified area and they can't get out on their own. She can set 15 at a time, the chains wrapped around the victim can be cut by one or two first class weapon or multiple hits from second class. May cause broken bones or bruises depending as to how tight they are, should the victim struggle against it, they will tighten. 
Cooldown: 5 posts
Duration: 4 posts, 
or when Luna cancels it.


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